Recent Publications
Recent Publications
Recent Publications
Research Interests
I am an environmental economist interested in the socioeconomic impacts and human dimensions of climate change. My work involves using data at multiple spatial scales (sub-national, gridded, and household) to understand the multi-dimensional impacts of climate change on society - labour force, food insecurity, inequality, human health, and socioeconomic vulnerability in general. I am a co-author of the Global, Europe, Latin America, and SIDS Lancet Countdown reports tracking climate impacts on human health. Professor Elizabeth Robinson and I lead indicators on food (in)security, labour supply, economic activity.
My main research interests are;
Climate, weather, and the labour force: we are working to improve the temperature-labour supply exposure-response functions by combining hundreds of micro surveys across the world! In the second step, we combine these response functions with ISIMIP climate data to estimate the impacts of future climate change on labour. We are also collaborating with economic modelers to update damage functions in Integrated Assessment Models and shocks in CGE models. I lead the ISIMIP labour impacts sector.
Climate, weather, and food security: Professor Elizabeth Robinson and I are analysing impacts of climate and weather shocks on global and local food (in)security, and the implications for human health. ​Using household surveys and sub-national data combined with high resolution meteorological data, we examine the impacts of climate and weather shocks on food insecurity, and the extent to which socioeconomic drivers such as income and education help to modify these impacts. Our work further focuses on the efficacy of cash versus food assistance, and the designing of food policies in an increasingly climate insecure world.​​
Climate, weather, safety nets and food security in Ethiopia
Attributing changes in food insecurity to a changing climate
Adaptation in labour impacts: In PROCLIAS, our task is to provide a framework for adaptation modelling in climate impacts on labour. The longer-term goal is to operationalise this framework in a multi-disciplinary setting. ​
​​Inequality and poverty: climate change undoubtedly exacerbates inequality and poverty situations across and within countries. Along with Dr. Johannes Emmerling and Dr. Soheil Shayegh, our work investigates the impact of climatic stressors on inequality in various countries. I am also working on constructing a global sub-national level dataset on inequality and poverty indices.
Human health: Impacts of climate change on health are the most tangible of all impacts. My work investigates climate change impacts on incidence and mortality of malaria and influenza; along with stunting, wasting, and mortality among children in low and middle-income countries.
Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic: COVID-19 is affecting many sectors across countries and regions, and many aspects of people's health and livelihoods. The health crisis itself is putting pressure on health services across the globe, and worsening health outcomes not directly related to the pandemic. Using unique micro-surveys from multiple countries, we are investigating the impact of the pandemic and lockdowns to contain it on inequality and food security.​​ ​​Our findings emphasise that the distributional consequences of the pandemic are disproportionately higher for lower income households. Not only are the impacts country-specific, but there is also considerable spatial heterogeneity in within country food insecurity, suggesting that tailored policies will be required.​