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Current Projects




  • COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs): a H2020 innovative research project that gathers leading experts on climate change sciences from 14 European research institutions. COACCH aims to advance knowledge regarding climate change impacts and policy that can be used directly by stakeholder communities. 

    • I am involved in investigating the impact of climate change on labour productivity, energy (hydro and wind) supply, energy demand, and tourism at the NUTS-2 level in Europe.


  • SEICA-NENA: Study on the economic impact of climate change on agricultural labour and cost of adaptation in NENA: Funded by the FAO, this project aims to analyse the impact of climate change on labour supply and income in the agricultural sector in the NENA region; and the effectiveness and the cost of possible adaptation measures in the agricultural sector. Finally, a set of policy recommendations and adaptation measures will be provided with the aim of identifying investment opportunities. 

    • I am the PI (along with Professor Francesco Bosello) and involved in estimating the climate change impacts on agricultural labour dynamics and agricultural household income and estimating economic losses due future adverse impact of climate change.​​






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