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Recent Publications
Recent Publications
Shouro Dasgupta
Environmental Economist, Fondazione CMCC
Lecturer, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Visiting Senior Fellow, Grantham Research Institute, LSE

Originally from Bangladesh, I studied in the US before moving to Italy for my PhD. My research investigates the impacts of climate change on labour, food security, inequality, and human health using applied econometrics. I am particularly interested in the effects on households and the efficacy of social protection policies in the context of climate change. I am one the 78 experts convened by UNFCCC to assist the UAE-Belém programme to develop indicators for measuring progress towards Global Goal on Adaptation. I will be focusing food security and health indicators.
My work contributes to;
advancing knowledge on socioeconomic impacts of climate change
identifying hotspots and vulnerable population
supporting the design of tailored policies to mitigate and adapt to climate impacts
I lead the ISIMIP labour impacts sector examining the effects of climate and weather shocks on the labour force and contribute to the global, European, Latin American, and SIDS Lancet Countdown reports.
Teaching is a passion! I teach statistics, economics, and econometrics courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
I am a voracious reader (I read almost anything) and an amateur photographer. I took the background picture on this page - Canal Grande from Rialto bridge!
I love traveling with my wife and our little daughter! Currently, we are making our way through northern Italy - one small town at a time.
I am always looking to collaborate! If you are interested, please contact me.